XI Upper Secondary School of General Education
We are a state founded, medium sized comprehensive school (350 students and 30 teachers), of 3 or 4 years of education (Years 10-12). The students are 15 to 19 years old.
Both end with a maturity examination (Matura, roughly equivalent to British A-levels examination and quite similar to French baccalauréat).
The school has a rich experience of intercultural collaboration, holds 3 European Language Labels and eTwinning and European Prizes.
We are based in Wroclaw, the capital of the southwestern Polish province of Lower Silesia.

It is a 60-year-old school situated in the suburbian area of Wroclaw, conveniently located and it is very easy to come here by public transport. Trams (no. 2,4,10) and buses (no.145, 146) all make frequent stops near the school.
The school year, devided into two semesters, starts at the beginning of September and ends the last week of June. The number of pupils in a class vary from 22 to 32.
Certain subjects, such as foreign languages, biology, chemistry, computer science are taught in groups between 10-16 students.
Every pupil has at least 30 workhours a week during 10th to 12th grades.
At the end of their studies secondary students take the national matriculation examination, which they must take in written and oral form choosing basic or extended level of difficulty.
The school building has gone through a thorough renovation and improvement in recent years. As a result, this is the first school in the area that has good access for the disabled and is now well-equipped for up-to-date teaching and learning.
Curricular subjects
The upper secondary school continues the teaching and the education task of basic and comprehensive education.There are compulsory courses each student must complete in his or her study program within 3 years. At the end of their studies, students take the matriculation examination, which is a nation-wide examination.The upper secondary school syllabus includes compulsory subjects:
Polish Studies and Literature
Foreign languages : English, German, Spanish
Social Studies
Physical Education
Religion (non-obligatory)/ Ethics
Grading scale.
The basic system of evaluation is a number grade (plus and minus) system based on the following levels:
5 Distinguished achievement and progress
4 Good achievement and progress
3 Average achievement and progress
2 Minimum achievement and progress
1 Unsatisfactory achievement and progress
School year: 2 semesters
School day: 6-7 periods, 45 minute classes, 10 min. breaks.
School holidays: July, August.
Marking periods: January and mid June (mid-term and final assessments for each course). April - for senior students.
Promotion requirements:
In order for a student to be promoted to the next grade level, they need to earn a passing grade (at least 2) in all required subjects.
A course failed may be made up after the summer, by passing a remedial examination (wriiten and oral).
After-school activities
Many extra-curricular activities are held after school. The students can take an interest in aerobics, team games, drama, school newspaper, computers and chess during their leisure time.
Language programme
Each student is obliged to study at least two of the free languages that the school offers: English, German and Spanish. Classes are small and formed in accordance with the students' level of competence. Students can choose advanced and basic courses.

Programmes and projects
Our school holds awards eagerly participating in european collaborative work.